January 14, 2009

Brave New Girl

The new year started off in the best and worst way possible. I found out that someone close to me is an inevitable train wreck. This made me think twice about decisions I was making in my own life. Then, I realized how much I truly need my sister around. Finally, I discovered that I'm a lot stronger than I've known. All of these new ideas conjured up over the span of an hour outside in a parking lot of an all-night hot dog stand in the ghetto back roads of Raleigh. Let's just hope it's not on YouTube. (By the way, it is but I can't find it, so if you do then PLEASE get up with me. Thanks.) At least I wasn't the only one that fought with my not-so-better half on New Years Eve.

Since then, life has been bland with exciting stuff to come. I'm enrolled in 18 credit hours of classes. Two of which I actually enjoy: Political Science and World Civilizations. I'll probably end up minoring in Pol Sci. I always liked Legally Blonde.

And, yes, that title is from a Britney Spears song.

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