March 8, 2009

Karma Police

klub karma.. ha!

I'm in Johnson City, Tennessee. Last night, Jeremy and I went to a karaoke bar and sang "Like A Virgin"... we butchered it. Chris picked me up from Raleigh and I went to Boone. I stayed with the South African, Chad, and he told me about his future in the adult film industry. Hopefully, it'll all work out for him. The next day, Emily texts and says she wants to put everything behind us. Bygones be bygones, she's back in my life. We drank some forties and played Nintendo. Jeremy had a house party the other night where he tried to leave, ran over the bushes and messed up his car. He threw his Blackberry at Meghan and broke it. Cosmo and Jeremy picked me up from Boone and we came to Erwin. My holga pictures didn't develop at all. I am destined to suck at everything creative.

We also went to a ghetto club called Karma last night where people fought and the cops came.

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